Regency. Regency characteristics

The section you sometimes become familiar with deals with a subject that, at first, everyone seems to have some sense of: regency. However, it remains to be understood if this notion, once contextualized to the grammatical universe, also becomes applicable.

Now, in this vast universe, especially when we propose to elaborate our thoughts and deliver our speeches, we are aware that syntactic structures, when plausibly well ordered, tend to attribute to the message the clarity and precision that both need. Thus, some aspects are present throughout this process and one of them concerns the conducting, which nothing it is more than the dependency relationship established between verbs and their respective complements and nouns. (characterized by the noun, adjective and adverb) and the terms that complete their meaning.

In this way, by sharing the important information that we have carefully prepared for you, you will make sure that such relationships are demarcated by the terms rulers also called subordinates - and by the terms governed – also known as subordinates.

Thus, when this relationship is manifested through the verbs, it is called verbal Regency. While when such a process is carried out through the names, you have the regency nominal.

Knowing them is, therefore, an invitation we make to you, dear user!

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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