Five poems by Manuel Bandeira

Did you know that the poet Manuel Bandeira are you one of the most remembered writers in college entrance exams? His work is, second only to the work of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, a constant presence in the National High School Exam. This information only confirms what Brazilian Literature has known for a long time: Manuel Bandeira is one of our greatest literary exponents.

Born in Recife, on April 19, 1886, Manuel Carneiro de Sousa Bandeira Filho was a poet, literary and art critic, literature professor and translator. His name is associated with the Brazilian Modernism, movement responsible for changing the trajectory of national Literature and defining the parameters that are still found in contemporary Literature.

Despite having started his career in parnassian poetry, it was in modernism that the poet stood out. Subjects such as love, death and loneliness are presented in his direct and simple writing, characteristics that consecrated him. The poet died on October 13, 1968, after having battled tuberculosis for several years of his life. To celebrate the poetry of this Recife native who made history in our Literature, Brasil Escola brings you

five poems by Manuel Bandeira, definitive and unforgettable. Good reading!

I'm leaving for Pasargada
I'm leaving for Pasargada
I'm a friend of the king there
There I have the woman I want
in the bed i will choose
I'm leaving for Pasargada
I'm leaving for Pasargada
Here I am not happy
There existence is an adventure
so inconsequential
May Joana the Madwoman of Spain
Queen and false insane
Comes to be the counterpart
the daughter-in-law I never had
And how will I do gymnastics
I will ride a bike
I will ride a wild donkey
I'll climb the tallow stick
I will bathe in the sea!
And when you're tired
I lie on the riverbank
I send for the mother of water
to tell me the stories
that in my time as a boy
rose came to tell me
I'm leaving for Pasargada
In Pasargada it has everything
It's another civilization
It has a secure process 
to prevent conception
It has an automatic telephone
Have alkaloid at will
have beautiful whores 
for us to date
And when I'm sadder
But sad that there is no way
when at night give me 
will to kill me
— I am a friend of the king there —
I will have the woman I want
in the bed i will choose
I'm leaving for Pasargada.


Fever, hemoptysis, dyspnea and night sweats.
A lifetime that could have been and wasn't.
Cough, cough, cough.

He sent for the doctor:
"Say thirty-three."
— Thirty-three… thirty-three… thirty-three…
- Breathe.

You have an excavation in your left lung and an infiltrated right lung.
"So, doctor, it's not possible to try pneumothorax?"
- No. The only thing to do is play an Argentine tango.

I'm fed up with measured lyricism
Of well-behaved lyricism
From the lyricism of a civil servant with a time book
protocol and expressions of appreciation to the director.
I'm fed up with the lyricism that stops and you'll find out in the dictionary
the vernacular imprint of a word.
Down with the purists
All words especially the universal barbarisms
All constructions especially exception syntaxes
All rhythms, especially the innumerable ones
I'm fed up with flirtatious lyricism
Of all the lyricism that capitulates to whatever it is 
outside of yourself
Otherwise it's not lyricism
It will be accounting table of cosines secretary of the lover
copy with one hundred models of cards and the different
ways to please women, etc.
I want the crazy lyricism first
The drunken lyricism
The hard and poignant lyricism of the drunks
Shakespeare's clown lyricism
— I don't want to hear about the lyricism that is not liberation anymore.

the last poem
So I would want my last poem.
That it was tender saying the simplest and least intentional things
That it was burning like a sob without tears
That it had the beauty of almost unscented flowers
The purity of the flame in which the clearest diamonds are consumed
The passion of suicides who kill themselves without explanation.

Guinea pig
when i was six years old
I got a guinea pig.
What a heartache it gave me
Because the pet just wanted to be under the stove!
took him to the room
To the most beautiful, cleanest places
He didn't like:
I wanted to be under the stove.
He took no notice of my tenderness.. .
“My guinea pig was my first girlfriend.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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