Spotify: new 'time capsule' could be opened in 2024

The year 2023 has barely begun and the Spotify already guaranteeing news for next year. The “time capsule” was launched last Wednesday, the 4th, and can only be opened from January 2024, as instructed by the platform. They will be the songs that most marked the first days of this year. Know more.

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New promises nostalgic moment for users

“Playlist in a Bottle” is the latest release from the music streaming platform and it will work like no other feature can. It will be like a kind of “message” for you in the future, as the songs you listened to the most during a certain period will be recorded. Nothing like a song to define!

Year in and year out, some songs end up falling by the wayside. There are, for example, those who forget which songs they listened to in January 2022. Remembering this moment can be somewhat nostalgic, as music is able to define most of the feelings we were able to face during that period.

It will work that way for 2024. The music you listened to the most in early 2023 may remind you of great moments. You'll need to define a playlist for yourself in the future, and it'll be in storage until then.

How to create the “time capsule” on Spotify?

The playlist for you to listen to in the future can be accessed by those who have the most current version of the application. Make sure the latest version is installed, then go tocapsule linkdirectly from the device and select from pocket, bottle, teddy bear, jeans, lunch box and gumball machine. These are the options that will represent the playlist.

Questions will be asked about the songs that refer to the feeling for the person in 2023 and other questions, which will leave the music in 2024 with much more feeling. After the quiz, select the music capsule and then click submit. In January 2024, Spotify will notify that songs can be viewed again. You can also share your personalized card on social media with the #PlaylistinABottle tag.

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