Learn how to earn money by answering surveys

Everyone likes to have an extra income, especially when things are tight. So, if we tell you that you can earn money just by answering surveys and testing apps, would you believe it? Well believe me, there is! Keep reading and learn how to make money on the internet just by answering a few questions.

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How to earn extra income answering opinion polls?

There are several applications and platforms on the internet that promise to reward their users with gift certificates and even amounts of money. Ysense is one of them, and guarantees up to BRL 432 for Brazilian users willing to answer a few questions. After registering, there are three ways to earn money on the platform. Learn how it works:

Survey Research

You will respond to specific questionnaires on various topics, with your opinion. Therefore, it is important to answer the questionnaires honestly, and this will not influence the remuneration.

Product and application testing

In this way, users will download the applications for free and after using them, they will leave their evaluations to be rewarded.

invitation link

Finally, the last way is to send the link to people who are not registered on the platform. Ysense has been running since 2007 and its users claim that the platform is reliable and really pays its users. However, dedication is needed to earn a larger amount, because the more you respond, the greater the remuneration.

Oother platforms that promise to remunerate their users


It offers surveys of various types, and to answer just register. He pays in euros and dollars, but it is only possible to withdraw money after accumulating at least US$ 12.50.

Health points

Every time a new survey appears you will receive a notice by email, and each survey will be worth a score that can be converted into money.:

  • 2454 points equal $5;
  • 4913 points equal $10;
  • 12279 points equals $25.

Google opinion rewards

Finally, who uses the services of Google Store you can answer surveys about them and receive cash rewards in your own Google account.

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