Find out which is the healthiest fat to use when frying

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Fried foods are very common in our daily lives because they offer us the convenience of being able to have food cooked in a few minutes. However, depending on the type of fat you choose to fry, this may be the least healthy option.

Thus, some people develop high cholesterol due to a large amount of fat in their body. In addition, toxic and carcinogenic substances such as acrolein are produced when the wrong fat is used for deep frying. So, be aware of the use of fat for each situation.

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Healthiest types of fat

  • common vegetable oils

Common vegetable oils, such as soy, sunflower and canola are the most recommended for those who want to do deep frying. That's because they manage to reach a very high temperature peak, being enough to resect the food and ensure crispiness.

But that's not all they are for, as they can also be used in smaller quantities for smaller frying. However, it is recommended that the oil not be reused after a frying session, as this will turn into trans fat.

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  • Oil

Olive oil is the healthiest fat option, and that's why it's a favorite of many. Even more so knowing that it has large reserves of omega 9, which is great for heart health. However, this is not the best option when it comes to deep frying, as its hot point is around 175°C. With this, there is a probability of forming toxic smoke and the olive oil itself begins to produce acrolein, which is a carcinogenic substance.

  • Lard

Anyone who thinks that pork lard, being more natural, is healthier is wrong, since, in fact, it has a large amount of saturated fat. But, as its smoke point is at 182°C, lard can be used cautiously in frying that does not require immersion.

  • Butter and margarine

Margarine has the lowest smoke peak of the listed fats, and it is also an ultra-processed food. Therefore, its use should not be regular and can only be used for quick frying and sautéing, without the need for immersion. Likewise, butter is also a food with a low smoke peak, not recommended for deep-frying. Therefore, the best option is to use it in stews on a daily basis.

And now that you know what each fat is for, be sure to use the most suitable one for each occasion. And also remember to share this article so that more people can ask their questions about the topic!

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