Is your baby a boy? See the meaning of 8 names with the 'letter M'

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People often choose names to your children without even thinking about what they mean. However, the importance that this moment has for people's lives, especially the newborn, is very great. Therefore, we brought a list with the meanings of eight names that start with the letter M for men for you if you are expecting a boy.

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8 different names with the letter M to give your child

Some people don't even know that there are names that are actually so similar to each other that they have the same meaning. So, check out some meanings of different names for you to be aware of before choosing one of them for your child.


This beautiful name means “who is like God”. However, it is nothing more than a variation – in this case, a French diminutive – for the name Michael, which in Brazil we know as Miguel.

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Matthias or Mathias

This is an example where variation holds the same meaning. The name Matthias means “offering from God”, “gift from God”. Furthermore, this name of Hebrew origin has the same meaning as Matthew, as it is also a variation.


An unusual name around here, Manessés comes from the Hebrew, from the name Manasseh, which means “the one who is given over to oblivion” or “the one who is given over to forgiveness”.


“Painful, hurt” or “what makes you feel pain, what hurts”. This is the sad meaning given to the name Moacir. This name comes from the Tupi indigenous mbo'a'su wrath, which joins two local words together. However, it is an underused name.


The name Magno means “great”, and this one is perhaps even a little better known. It originates from the ancient Latin Magnus, from the word magnus, which literally means “big”.


This unusual name means “who is like God?”. It brings an idea of ​​humility, since this name refers to a rhetorical question that, in fact, has the answer that no one is like God.


This name comes from the United Kingdom and means “excellent marrow”, “maritime fortress” and “friend of the sea”. That old name, Marvin, has several old word possibilities.


Finally, this name means “son of Mark”, “son of the warrior” or “descendant of the great orator”. It is a name of Portuguese and Spanish origin, being classified in the science that studies proper names, called onomastics, as a patronymic of Marcos.

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