Have you noticed that your memory is not so good lately?

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As time goes by, there is a possibility that the brain go slower and slower if you are not trained to the contrary. Some habits have been released that will help you have a lower risk of dementia and a slower memory decline. The news was recently published by BMJ. Learn more about this search.

Pay attention to good habits and avoid the early decline of your memory

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It has already been studied by researchers that brain dementia is directly associated with social isolation and obesity. However, they also found that a healthy lifestyle can contribute to better brain aging.

In addition, physical exercises will also help in this fight against memory decline. People who tend to possess the APOE4 gene, a significant factor in Alzheimer's, will be able to rejoice in this discovery that promises to be very promising.

Are all people subject to this?

Memory loss is a natural factor and is linked to the human aging process. But, there are some people who tend to develop the

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Alzheimer's and a cognitive deterioration that goes beyond the normal effects.

If memory loss is gradual, it's okay. But, if the process is accelerated, it is important to look for existing ways to reverse this progression.

Here are 6 habits that will help you delay mental aging:

  1. do physical exercise

Experts recommend doing at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.

  1. perform diet

Eat healthy foods such as: fruits, vegetables, eggs, meats, cereals, dairy products, nuts and tea.

  1. avoid alcohol

Do not consume alcohol or drink in moderation.

  1. quit smoking

Avoid any type of cigarette or derivatives.

  1. Work on cognitive activity

It is important to exercise your brain through reading or card games.

  1. have social contact

Social involvement is very important and necessary. Go meet your friends or family.

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