3 items that should NEVER go in the microwave

The microwave has become something common, part of the routine of most families, due to its practicality. What many forget is that sometimes a little attention is needed, to remember that there are some materials that should never be microwaved.

To avoid accidents, and prevent this utensil from becoming a major enemy of your home, check it out here things that should never go in the microwave!

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Things that should never go in the microwave

  • Polystyrene

Styrofoam cups, bowls and any other container made of the same material must not be placed in the microwave. This is due to the fact that polystyrene (material that produces styrofoam) is a type of plastic that does not resist high temperatures.

When heated, it releases neurotoxins into the food that are harmful to your health and can cause severe allergic reactions in your body.

  • Paper movie

Also known as plastic film, or PVC, not all types are recommended for heating food, especially in the microwave. That's why it's always important to pay attention to Anvisa's release seal. Especially those that don't have the seal, or even some verified ones, can be microwave dangerous.

When exposed to very high temperatures, because they are very thin, they can melt, in addition to releasing elements harmful to health.

  • Aluminum

Unlike the other substances mentioned above, aluminum does not release harmful substances to the human body. However, it can present other dangers, such as the high risk of fire.

Since the microwave works through electromagnetic waves that, when they come into contact with aluminum – an excellent conductor of electricity – can generate electric currents. These will lead to overheating of the metal, resulting in the start of a fire, which, if not previously controlled, can result in more serious complications.

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