Unraveling your cat's personality through its zodiac sign

Have you ever heard of the stereotypes that all cats are introverted and moody? So it is! But did you know that the truth is much more interesting?

What if I told you that just as your zodiac sign reveals a lot about your personality, it can also show if you and your feline companion are compatible?

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That's right! Just like us humans, your cat's zodiac sign can reveal many interesting traits, quirks and charms!

Want to know more about your cat's personality based on their sign? Professional astrologer, animal lover and founder of Nomadrs Tiffany McGee can tell you all about it!

Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

You know that kitty full of disposition and courage to explore everything around him? It's probably an Aries!

They love adventure and make a great companion to learn tricks and show off their skills.

But make no mistake, these felines are not only brave, they are also super smart and with an unusual intelligence.

Taurus (April 20th to May 20th)

Taurus cats can be demanding and have specific preferences, such as choosing a favorite place to rest or protesting when there are changes in their routine.

How about trying to win them over with treats or toys? Well, this strategy might even work with other cats, but with Taurus cats, it doesn't always work.

Gemini (May 21st to June 20th)

If you have a Gemini cat, know that he can be very curious, sociable and always on the move.

These kittens love to explore new environments, discover new toys and are not satisfied with routine.

They have a mischievous side that can get them into trouble, but it's impossible not to be charmed by their playful energy and sense of humor.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

If you are one of those who love affectionate and loyal feline company, we have a great suggestion: the Cancer cat!

These kittens are sweethearts, always ready for a hug and a warm moment in the human's lap.

If they seem shy at first, don't worry, it's just a matter of time before they open up to you.

Leo (July 23 to August 23)

If you have a Leo kitten at home, you know you are living with a real star!

These cute felines are pure energy, always ready to play and get the attention of everyone around them.

They love to be pampered and petted by their humans, and when they feel loved, they are the most appreciative and loyal friends anyone could have.

Virgo (August 23 to September 23)

Virgo kittens love to have their daily routine well defined and do not give up commanding things around them.

Incidentally, it's common for you to feel like a mere supporting player in your cat's life. But make no mistake, behind the cold posture, there is a super affectionate and loving feline.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

These cats love to be around us humans and love to share space with other animals and children.

But even if he is your only companion, your Libra cat will make a faithful friend for life.

Despite being extroverted animals, be aware of your cat's surroundings. According to McGee, these cats prefer a quiet, peaceful place to call home.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

If you have a Scorpio feline, get ready for an intense and passionate cat. His mysterious aura might put you off guard at first, but once you get to know him, you'll see how loving and affectionate he can be with his humans.

However, it is good to be aware that Scorpio cats are quite territorial and assertive.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

If you're looking for a fun and curious kitty, Sagittarius cats are an excellent choice! With their free spirits and love of adventure, they're easy to spot in a crowd.

What you should be aware of is that these independent and curious kitties have a strong desire to explore and can easily get into trouble if left alone too long.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

If you have a Capricorn kitten, you can expect a very disciplined and focused kitty.

They are similar to human Capricorns, determined to be the leaders of the house.

But, don't worry, they let you think you still have control. At first, these kittens can be quite shy, preferring to hide and study their new surroundings carefully.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18th)

If you've ever been lucky enough to live with an Aquarius cat, you know very well that they are different from all other felines.

These kittens' personalities are so quirky and eccentric that it's impossible not to notice them right away!

According to McGee, an expert in feline astrology, Aquarian cats are true gems. rare: they love to have unconventional habits and preferences, precisely to exist outside the box.

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

If you are looking for a furry companion to take delicious naps and keep you company during all night, we've got a hot tip for you: Pisces kitties are just adorable!

According to McGee, they are very sensitive and empathetic, forming deep emotional bonds with their owners. But don't think that they spend the day sleeping!

These cuties are super creative and love to invent new games and pranks with their toys.

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