What numerology says about love, work and health in 2023, called 'Year 7'

Numerology studies the influence that numbers exert not only in private life (but also in love, work, interpersonal relationships and family, for example), but also in public and geopolitical life (if it will be a year marked by tensions between countries, war, increase in illnesses…). 2023, according to Numerology scholars, is governed by the number 7. Due to this, predictions for love, work, studies and all other areas of our lives will also be governed by the same number. So find out what it says Numerology about 2023.

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What Numerology Says About 2023

The number 7 rules 2023, as it is the sum of all the numbers of the year: 2+2+0+3 = 7. This numeral evokes mystery and selectivity, and once ruled by it, the year will be filled with taboos and controversial issues. Consequently, it is the ideal time to be more observant, stimulate self-knowledge and commit to important issues, such as studies and work.

With that in mind, find out how the year to come will be, according to Numerology:

To the work:

The energy of 7 will drive everyone to work. Therefore, with the right dose of effort, you can find a good job or, if you already have one, fight for a promotion or better working conditions. However, as this year will be controversial and refuse falsehood, do not pretend to have skills that you do not yet have and do not look for intrigue in the work environment, or you will be exposed.

For spirituality:

It will be a challenging year and full of strong emotions. Therefore, it is time to value the solitude, introspection and the search for self-knowledge. Get to know yourself and that will be the first step towards self-esteem and self-confidence, essential to getting what you want.

For the economy:

It's time to take some risky actions that, with self-confidence, will work. Be bold and get the reward at the end. But for that, be competent and take calculated steps. You will need financial education and great care not to compromise your income completely.

To the love:

Giving yourself to love will not be an easy task. And not just because of trauma. People will be more self-confident and look at themselves more in 2023, which will make them think more before giving your heart to someone, especially if there has already been a breach of trust before. Therefore, self-love will speak louder. It's time to break vicious cycles in toxic relationships too.

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