Toilet is able to exchange feces for virtual coins

Making money without making any effort is a common desire among workers. South Korean researchers have developed equipment that can help achieve this goal. Can you imagine getting paid to use the bathroom?

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Well, a smart toilet would pay the user for their waste. The objective was developed at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology. The objective, in fact, is to generate energy from the collected organic material.

The system was called BeeVi and in addition to producing biogas, it helps to reduce environmental impacts. With less waste in the sewers, the negative consequences for basic sanitation are smaller.

For power generation, the equipment uses composting techniques to produce methane gas. The biogas generated will be converted into energy. In addition, part of the waste becomes fertilizer.

It is worth noting that the entire process is done without the use of water. The feces are eliminated by a vacuum system, which replaces the traditional discharge. At first glance, the vase looks much like any other commonly used vase.

After being collected, the material will be filtered and the solid part passes to a bioreactor. It is a compartment with bacteria that release methane gas. In this case, methane can be used to supply electricity, for example.

To get an idea, a person generates, on average, 500g of feces per day. This amount makes it possible to produce 50 liters of methane. In this way, it is possible to supply enough energy for an electric vehicle to travel 1.2 km.

If used on a large scale, BooVi is capable of significantly modifying various points related to the environment. More than producing energy, the system is capable of promoting water savings.

Toilet that pays in Cryptocurrency

The project is led by Jaeweon Cho, who is an environmental engineer. The toilet would pay the user through cryptocurrency mining. In the specific case of the project, the digital currency is Ggool, which is associated with the health area.

People who use the sustainable toilet at the Ulsan institute will be paid in Ggool. Each trip to the bathroom can earn you 10m Ggool. In this case, students can use cryptocurrency within the campus itself.

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