4 phrases usually said by empathetic and sensitive people

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At first glance, sensitivity is a perception of other people's feelings that we can all work on. Desirable, people around us with such a quality are always welcome, especially in times of difficulties that we need support.

So whatever the story behind them, empathetic individuals share some behaviors, which can be commonly reflected in speeches. Keep reading and understand this topic better!

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Phrases that sensitive people often repeat

"I know how you feel"

Initially, sensitive people are worthy of the trust of others. As such, there is scope for them to listen to others with greater emotional depth. Therefore, sensitivity allows them to put themselves in the other person's shoes.

"I am really sorry"

Sensitive people worry about how their words might hurt someone else. Sometimes they may feel that they are upsetting or hurting someone. In particular, they can ask forgiveness for a situation they didn't even do or didn't have an impact.

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That said, if you're someone who apologizes even when you're not directly responsible, it's a sign that you have a lot of sensitivity.

"What can I do to help you?"

Sympathetic, empathetic individuals understand the need behind showing support for someone who is going through a time of distress.

Furthermore, even if she takes no practical action, the simple act of offering a willing ear to a vent gives greater peace of mind to those on the other side. Comforting, isn't it?

"I'm happy for you"

Finally, sensitive people are often genuinely proud of their friends. can reflect your happiness in different ways.

Anyway, the simple fact that that person stayed with the other from the beginning to the achievement of something, already becomes something that we all want in a true relationship.

And then, after knowing all this, do you consider yourself or have you started to be someone more sensitive?


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