Love is in the air! The 12 countries with the lowest divorce rate in the world

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O marriage it is a universal, cultural institution that unites two or more people in marriage. Feelings like love and passion are involved in the act, but the union manages to go much further than we can imagine: it is loyalty, companionship, friendship, compassion and giving up.

The couple unites for an ideal, so that they can build a life together. Among the biggest milestones in a person's life, before society, is marriage and family foundation. Unfortunately, when the union before men does not work out, the couple opts for divorce.

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Just as there are countries with the highest record of separation, there are also countries with the lowest divorce rates. Sincerely? Maybe no one is ready to not see Brazil starring in both rankings – whether that's good or not, we don't know! Discover the countries with the lowest divorce rates.

The 15 countries with the lowest divorce rates

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The data belong to the UN (United Nations) and other institutions. To calculate the data, these organizations make use of the local census and compare it with data obtained by other countries.

In the case of countries with the lowest divorce rate, the percentage is divided for each number of inhabitants. In Peru, for example, the rate was 0.50 divorces for every 1,000 inhabitants in the country.

Ranking of countries with the lowest divorce rate

  1. Sri Lanka – 0.15;
  2. Guatemala (tie) – 0.20;
  3. Vietnam (tie) – 0.20;
  4. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – .40;
  5. Turkey – 0.50;
  6. South Africa – 0.60;
  7. Chile (tie) – 0.70;
  8. Colombia (tie) – 0.70;
  9. Ireland (tie) – 0.70;
  10. Malta (tie) – 0.70;
  11. Panama (tie) – 0.70;
  12. Qatar (tie) – 0.70;
  13. Saint Lucia (tie) – 0.70;
  14. United Arab Emirates (tie) – 0.70;
  15. Venezuela (tie) – 0.70.

The data used by the institutions date from 2017 to 2020, with a three-year delay before updates.

Including, lower separation rates do not mean that they are the happiest countries when it comes to marriage, but the knowledge is certainly totally valid!

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