Commission approves automatic payment of benefit to the elderly

The bill that provides for the automatic payment of social security benefits to the elderly was approved by the Commission for the Defense of the Rights of the Elderly, of the Chamber of Deputies. In this way, it is valid for death pension or also the Benefit of Continued Payment for those aged 75 or over.

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In this way, according to the project, the benefit is assured to the elderly immediately. The amount would already be available at the stage of analysis of the request made by the insured person to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). The deadline is 45 days to analyze the requests of the elderly.

automatic payment

Through the bill, what is expected is faster and easier access for the elderly to the benefit. That is, a way to facilitate access without much bureaucracy or wasting time to get the benefit.

Also by the project, during the period of analysis of the request for the benefit, a temporary grant is made so that the elderly do not remain without receiving financial support.

According to the project, the delay in approving the benefit often ends up harming the elderly even in the purchase of basic items, such as those for food. This is the case with death benefits. On the other hand, if the benefit is not approved within 45 days due to non-compliance with the requirements, the amounts that were advanced to the elderly would need to be returned to the institute.

Now, the bill will be conclusively analyzed by the Social Security and Family, Finance and Taxation commissions, and also by the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission.

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