One cat siamese tortie point named Lola is intriguing and enchanting the internet with her mesmerizing eyes. Ever since her owner, Jade, of Spokane, Wash., started sharing photos of the 17-year-old feline on Reddit, Lola has been winning over the hearts of pet lovers online.
Her unique appearance and mesmerizing eyes have people in awe, with many claiming they have never seen another cat like her.
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The beauty and mystery that surround Lola make her truly special and unforgettable. Certainly, this would be the perfect description when Machado de Assis defined Capitu as “the eyes of a gypsy, oblique and disguised”.
A fan of the “Lord of the Rings” saga defined the mysterious look as “Eye of Sauron”. There are so many possible definitions that we are bewitched by such cuteness!
Mystery in the eyes of a feline
A study carried out in 2015 and published in Science Advances
revealed that the shape of a cat's pupil is directly related to how they spend their day.researchers from UC Berkeley discovered that cats, being nocturnal animals, have fine and distinct pupils, identifying that the size and shape of the pupil determines the amount of light that enters the eyes.
The unique structure of cats' eyes allows them to have a wide range of muscle movements, which is essential for their hunting and survival skills.
At night, for example, cats' pupils dilate to capture as little light as possible, ensuring clear vision in low-light conditions.
During the day, the pupils contract to protect the eyes from overexposure to bright light. Science may provide a logical explanation for the shape of cats' pupils, but the unusual beauty of Lola's eyes goes beyond that.
It is a true mystery of nature that adds even more charm and magnetism to Lola's unique character, making her truly special.
Scientific explanations surrender to Lola's magical little eyes. Yes, Lola's guardian, we are in love here!
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