Studies prove: caffeine helps in reducing body fat

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According to research published in the journal BMJ Medicine, high levels of caffeine in the blood can reduce the amount of body fat and the associated risk of type 2 diabetes. Caffeine is a stimulating substance that belongs to the xanthine group and is found naturally in plants such as coffee, tea, guarana and cocoa. It is known to increase energy, improve concentration and decrease drowsiness.

Still according to the researchers, the discovery indicates the potential of the substance to decrease the probability of developing obesity and diseases related to the condition. These results reinforce the importance of a balanced diet and the incorporation of caffeine-containing foods to improve overall health and well-being. However, it is important to remember that excessive caffeine consumption can have adverse effects and adequate levels should be monitored.

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Drinking three to five cups of unsweetened coffee daily is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The studies are observational, not establishing a cause and effect relationship due to other potentially influential factors.

Scientists analyzed the role of two common genetic variants of the CYP1A2 and AHR genes in nearly 10,000 people who participated in six long-term studies.

Analysis results

The results of the analysis showed that higher levels of caffeine in the blood were associated with lower weight (BMI) and body fat, in addition to a lower risk of diabetes 2.

The researchers acknowledge several limitations in the conclusions, including using only two genetic variants and including only people of European descent.

However, caffeine is known to increase metabolism and fat burning, as well as reduce appetite, which explains the results.

“It is estimated that a daily intake of 100mg increases energy expenditure by about 100 calories per day, which could consequently decrease the risk of developing obesity. Our Mendelian randomization finding suggests that caffeine may, at least in part, explain the inverse association between coffee consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes,” wrote the researchers.

Caffeine has several health benefits, such as improving cognitive function, reducing the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and increasing metabolism, which can help with weight loss.

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