Know how to make a cat like you; Discover scientific tips

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If you're the type of person who never really understood cats and always thought it was easier to become dog-friendly, you're probably trying to use the same weight for two measurements many different. This is because they are not the same creature and express fear in very different ways. So, if you're thinking about getting a pet, or simply want to get along with your family animal, you need to learn how to deal with cats. See in this article some tips to learn how to make a cat like you.

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Scientific tips to get cats to like you

Getting cats to like you doesn't have to be a difficult task, nor is it impossible. In this sense, there are some scientific studies that have found ways to approach these small cats in an effective way. So here are some scientifically proven tips to get a cat to like you fast!

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1. The cat must approach first

When it comes to pet stimulation, we're used to being intrusive and aggressive, and that's not exactly an attractive strategy to try with a kitten. That way, the ideal is to let him make the first move to approach you. After all, this type of animal tends to be quite independent and territorial. So if you approach abruptly it can make him feel uncomfortable.

2. contact slowly

A form of greeting seen among felines is to touch the tips of their snouts to each other. With that, a way to get closer to the kittens can be by extending your hand towards the animal's muzzle and letting it get closer.

3. caresses

Knowing the ideal place to caress the cats can earn you a lot of points with the little animal. Therefore, the most common thing is that these cats like to receive affection on the forehead and cheeks. One of the ways to identify if he is enjoying the caress is when he starts purring, "kneading bread" or blinking slowly.
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