Check your sign's horoscope for this week: 7/17 to 7/23

Are you prepared for the next few days? This week, from 7/17 to 7/23, the Sun enters Leo. It's goodbye to the season of nostalgic Cancerians and the beginning of the dazzling glow of Leos. Check out what your sign's horoscope will look like for this energy shift.

The change of placements in the sky will bring a freshness and “what” of inspiration to everyone. It's that feeling of starting a new cycle, you know? In addition, we will find ourselves in situations that allow us to discover new ways to position ourselves in places of power and success.

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This week we will have a lot of influence from Pluto in our day to day. This planet is responsible for transformation on a large scale. Therefore, it will be a time of great transformations and experiences that will change our lives.

Take advantage of this energy to put into practice everything that you have kept in your heart for a long time. Surf the wave of Leo to get that energy.

See the horoscope for your sign for the week of 7/17 to 7/23


Arian, let's cut to the chase this week. Be careful not to be too harsh with words and actions – we know you can be a bit like that, don't we? Confronting a person is important, but tact and politeness are always required. Be careful or you will miss out on good opportunities because you don't know how to use words correctly.


Money is very important to you, and you may face a scare with your finances in the coming days. You need to increase your earnings, but you don't need to create fancy plans for this. Stop and do what is right, so you will have prosperity. Avoid any illegal activity; you do not need that.


Take it easy, Gemini! Over the next few days, you can flirt a bit with self-pity and negativity. Shake off that dust! Life is not bad at all. You're just being a spoiled baby. Get your head together and get back in the game. Complaining won't get you anywhere.


It's time to try some stability – for a change. You will be safe this week, from July 17th to 23rd. So, stop feeding paranoia. These threats are only in your imagination and you are allowing your anxiety to get the better of you. Calm down and live life in peace.


Hey, leonine! Get ready for a week full of fun and excess. However, be careful, because if you still don't know your limits, something not very pleasant can help you discover them – trust me, you don't want to learn that way! Enjoy your moment sparingly.


Get ready to hear a lot of "no's" this week, Virgo. Take it easy with the person next to you and relax a little more. You will feel like you are facing a lion a day and it will wear you down quite a bit. If necessary, have the humility to throw in the white towel and recognize that you won't be able to win. It happens and is part of life.


A battle that you will have to face alone will come your way. But do not worry! You will be able to solve everything with ease – and remember, you live for yourself and not for others. Celebrate your own greatness!


Use that passion you have inside as fuel this week. It is possible that you will discover something unpleasant about your loved one, which could put you in a position to choose between going or staying. Remember: nobody is perfect and nobody will exceed all our expectations.


You will be more spiritual this week. Chances are you'll talk to someone about it or read something on the internet and it piques your interest. It will be as if little light bulbs light up, illuminating your path. Things will start to make more sense in your life and your choices.


Romance in sight, Caprica! However, as always, you will play the mysterious and the seductive. We know it's just a hoax, don't we? But be careful! This could drive the crush away from you. Those who set limits that are too strict do not exclude others; it just keeps stuck.


You already know this, but let's reinforce: it's the end of a cycle! Take advantage of everything you have to enjoy until the end. You are on the cusp of a great quest that has just begun. Try to always have your energies recharged this week, because you will need it.


We know you want to go out and have fun. And that's exactly what the stars advise for this week. No more moldy indoors, Pisces. Plan a trip, go to the movies, take time for yourself and stop worrying about small things.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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