Compromising Email Accidentally Leaked to Boss During Worker

O screen sharing is increasingly common in work environments. However, it is extremely important to take some precautions so that personal or unwanted information is not shared, thus avoiding compromising situations that may cause conflicts or misunderstandings in the work environment. work.

Employee accidentally shares a job proposal

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In a publication on reddit, a designer reports that she is part of a team with four employees and that in a meeting she committed the mistake of disclosing personal matters to her boss and her group: it was about accepting a new work.

The incident took place in a meeting with his boss and his team where they were evaluating some design solutions. Your teammate suggested a solution to the problem they were looking at, it was a Gmail feature similar to what they needed.

Since she was already sharing her screen with her collaborators, she didn't hesitate to access her email to check out the feature in question. However, when accessing her email, she did not realize that it was her personal account, not her professional one.

This ended up causing the sharing of personal subjects, since, in his inbox, there were unread emails, and the subject of them left no room for doubt. The subject line “Job Offer” and “Thank you for accepting our offer! We are happy that you want to join our company” made clear what they were about.

Upon realizing her mistake, she immediately tried to open a new tab to access the correct e-mail and close the previous one that contained her personal messages.

Although no one has shown to have noticed the messages, it is not possible to be 100% sure that your boss and colleagues did not see the emails, after all, when you're sharing a screen, the tendency is to snoop on the entire screen, so there is, yes, the possibility that this has occurred.

This whole situation generated a lot of discomfort, since the employee did not intend that her boss and colleagues found out about her departure from the company in this way, despite feeling guilty about this situation.

Why did the employee take the new job?

She explained that she took on this new job very enthusiastically, as the new position is better suited to the type of work she wants to do. Because she still hasn't signed on for the new job, she hasn't given her current boss her notice.

So it only remained to hope that her messages were not noticed and that her boss was transparent with her. about it so that her termination could be amicable, as she really didn't want him to find out like this.

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