FIES: Senate approves provisional measure for debt renegotiation

Recently, the Senate approved a provisional measure — a rule that has the same force and intensity as a law—, aiming at the new requirements to carry out the installment of Fies debts (Fundo de Financiamento Student). The proposal has already been mentioned in the House, and now goes to the presidential sanction.

Read too: Check the new call date for the Fies waiting list

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Desenrola Brasil: Debt renegotiation program covers Fies?…

Beneficiaries born in November and December can now withdraw the…

According to the process carried out by the Senate rapporteur, Fernando Bezerra Coelho (MDB-MS), there were only the modification of the text in question, which does not point to the need to send it to another House Legislative. Thus, it was envisioned in the Chamber's editorial office that individuals belonging to the CadÚnico (Single Registry for Social Programs) would receive a discount of approximately 99% of the fixed amount.

Thus, in Bezerra's view, it had not been clearly and explicitly in the text, as it contained in the section “maximum reduction” and then was limited to a 99% discount. Therefore, the word “up to” was added in the wording of the measure, clarifying that the maximum value is 99%.

“Such a conflict, however, must be eliminated by adapting the wording, replacing the expression 'with a 99% discount' (ninety-nine percent)' to 'with a discount of up to 99% (ninety-nine percent)' on the second device mentioned above", highlighted.

“We understand that the text requires this wording adequacy including the term 'up to'. This modification clarifies the legislator's intention to allow discounts of up to a certain percentage, but allowing a better administration of Fies availability, without stifling the program”, he wrote in the report.

In mid-December, President Jair Bolsonaro had also edited the text, adding that there could be debt forgiveness in certain cases.

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