These are some of the most life changing habits; Try it on yours!

prioritize healthy habits It is essential to avoid problems related to mental health. A corporate lawyer realized that he needed to get out of the business world to take care of himself. With that, he ended up becoming an advocate of mental health awareness and created a community of more than 300,000 people with the aim of spreading such importance.

What small, non-negotiable practice has changed your life the most?

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Through social media, the lawyer was able to create a community of more than 300,000 people around the world on TikTok, LinkedIn and Instagram. Such people are in a process of prioritizing their well-being before their careers.

Therefore, in order to understand and analyze the factors that helped these people in this change, the lawyer asked them a question: “What small and non-negotiable habit changed your life the most?”

Check now which were the most received answers by your followers about healthy habits:

1. say no

A habit that seems like a super beast is incredibly capable of changing lives. When you learn to say no to certain things, you feel liberated. After all, saying yes all the time, especially when it comes to more work, social activities, or favors, can mean having to sacrifice your own needs and desires for others.

When you learn to say no, you end up having time to focus on things that are most important to you.

2. Gratitude

Gratitude is the key to controlling emotions in life, after all, focusing on the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives is essential to improving your outlook on things.

3. somatic exercise

Physical exercise is essential for both physical and mental well-being. Therefore, it is essential that you invest in this project in a few days of your week. Exercising is a way to discharge all negative energy and an opportunity to connect more with nature.

4. cut toxic habits

Doing a "detoxification" of what you think influences your mental illness is essential to feel better. For example, a phone detox can bring positive aspects to a person who receives calls and bills all the time through their cell phone.

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