Dwarf planets: features and trivia

planetsdwarves are very similar to normal planets. THE gravity of dwarf planets is strong enough for them to be spherical, unlike the asterOyou go, moreover, orbit around the Sun along a trajectory filled with bodies such as rocks and asteroids.

See too: Solar System: origin, planets and curiosities

Dwarf Planet Characteristics

The main features of dwarf planets are as follows:

  • orbit any star, like the sun.

  • They are almost spherical.

  • They are accompanied by many other bodies, such as comets, asteroids or even other dwarf planets.

Differences between planets and dwarf planets

The differences between regular planets and dwarf planets are basically yours. sizes and, consequently, their pastas. Dwarf planets do not have gravity strong enough to attract the space material that surrounds them, so they orbit the Sun, taking with them a large amount of asteroids and space dust.

Dwarf planets closest to Earth

According to the astronomical union Iinternational, the highest authority on naming and classifying celestial objects, in the Solar System, there are five dwarf planets, they are:

  • Pluto

  • eris

  • Ceres

  • make make

  • haumea

In addition to these, many bodies of the ssystem shello are considered to enter the category of dwarf planets, however, more detailed observations are needed. Astronomers estimate that there may be between hundreds and thousands of planets in the ssystemshome. Are we going to learn a little more about the known dwarf planets?

  • Pluto

Pluto was discovered in 1930, and until 2006 was considered the ninth planet in the Solar System, when it was reclassified as a dwarf planet. Pluto is the largest known dwarf planet, with five moons, the largest of which, Charon, is half its size.

THE Pluto's orbit is not circular like that of the planets that orbit the Sun, for this reason, on certain occasions, it stays closer to the sun what Neptune, your neighbor. Pluto takes about 250 years to complete a revolution around the Sun. To learn more about the topic of this topic, read: Pluto.

  • eris

When discovered, Eris was considered the 10th planet in the Solar System, as measurements taken at the time suggested that its diameter was greater than Pluto's. However, more modern measures have shown otherwise.

Despite being smaller than Pluto, Eris is 25% more massive and takes a period of 557 years to make a complete circle around the Sun.

Eris was named in tribute to the greek goddess of discord, since its discovery caused a great number of controversies within the astronomical community, leading it to change the criteria used to classify dwarf planets and regular planets.

Lookalso: history of astronomy - timeline and main events

  • Ceres

Ceres is located in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It's also the dwarf planet closer to the sun, in addition, it contains about a third of the mass of the entire asteroid belt, yet it is spherical in shape and takes about 4.6 years to complete a revolution around the Sun.

Ceres has a frozen surface, full of craters, and apparently has a rocky core. Astronomers believe that, in Ceres' mantle, may exist Waterin the liquid state, thanks to the heat coming from the friction between inner layers of ice, which are dragged by Jupiter's enormous gravity.

  • make make

Makemake was the last of the dwarf planets to be discovered, two months after Eris' discovery. Makemake is a trans-Neptuanian object located in Kuiper belt (smaller objects located beyond Neptune). With two thirds the mass of Pluto and having a very eccentric orbit, Makemake was classified as a dwarf planet in the year 2008. Astronomers believe its color to be reddish, just like Pluto's.

  • haumea

haumea was discovered in 2003 and was classified as a dwarf planet in 2008. haumea is flat, having the shape of an ellipsoid. The reason for the format is believed to be attributed to your very high rotation speed, since Haumae completes a turn around its axis every four hours.

Curiosities about dwarf planets

  • Pluto it is so remote that sunlight takes about five hours to reach it.

  • make make it was named in honor of the fertility god Rapanui.

  • In addition to the five recognized dwarf planets, scientists discuss classifying bodies as sedna and Quaoar.

  • Ceres it is the smallest of the dwarf planets and is therefore classified as both a dwarf planet and an asteroid.

  • the surface of Pluto it is so cold that it is possible to find gases like the methane and carbon monoxide in solid state.

By Rafael Hellerbrock
Physics teacher

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