The best positions for couples who want to sleep together in comfort

Sleeping next to the person you love can increase the quality of your sleep, improve insomnia, stress and anxiety, as well as promoting intimacy and connection for the couple. This excellent way to start and end the day needs, however, a little technique: some positions may be uncomfortable for one of the people involved and the ideal is for everyone to sleep comfortably.

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Couple sleeping positions

Waking up with the great love next door is a privilege of couples who share the house or, at least, can see each other frequently. Finding positions where both of you can sleep without waking up with pain in your neck, arm or spine is very important to make the moment even more special. So, here are some sleeping position tips:

staring at each other

If you and your partner are the types who love to connect, but who don't have physical touch as their primary love language, then this position may be ideal. It consists of laying down facing each other, as if they were facing each other. However, only the hands or legs touch each other. That way, you sleep together, but without being too close.

head on chest

If either party doesn't mind sleeping on their back, this is a very comfortable position. The head of one of the people rests on the chest of your love and you can sleep happily. The big disadvantage is that the person behind has limited movement.

Baby spoon or backpack

If you're the biggest person in the relationship, but you're also disruptive and don't like the obligation to always be the biggest spoon, you can invert the logic a bit. Talk to your partner so that you are the smaller shell. It will be a fun and funny experience, as if you are carrying a backpack on your back.

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