Diet allies: these 4 fruits help in the weight loss process

Maintaining a healthy body and a balanced diet contributes positively to the brain, increases longevity and reduces the risk of developing illnesses chronicles. What few people know when following a new diet is that some fruits really help to lose weight and can be great allies in the search for a shape incredible.

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Fruits are essential foods for anyone's eating routine, as they are full of vitamins, minerals and other elements that help the body's proper development. For those who want to lose weight, increasing the feeling of satiety and accelerating metabolism are key points in the process.

It is possible to acquire these benefits through the consumption of fruits.

Some of them even have properties that are capable of improving intestinal transit because of their diuretic capacity. They will reduce the desire to eat more and will also favor caloric burning.

4 fruits that can help you lose weight

One way to include them in the diet is to add food between main meals, that is, between breakfast and morning, lunch and dinner, as they can be essential in maintaining body weight while helping to lose weight. Weight.

The only caveat to be made is about the amount of fruit consumed throughout the day. The ideal is not to exaggerate the portions, because they have fructose. This is a natural sugar that, if consumed in excess, will have a reverse effect and contribute to weight gain.

See which fruits can be combined when creating a weight loss diet.


Bananas are very helpful for those who want to lose weight, as they increase the feeling of satiety, especially when eaten for breakfast. For those who do physical activity, it contributes to muscle contraction. In addition, it is full of potassium, a mineral responsible for giving energy to the body.


Kiwis are sources of vitamin C and have only 46 calories per 100 g. It's diuretic and reduces the urge to eat, so it's an excellent option.


Strawberries have only 45 calories per 100g and will introduce you to what we call negative calories. This is seen when the person spends more calories to digest what was eaten than those present in the food in question. The bonus is that the fruit is anti-inflammatory, something that also aids in weight loss.


Pears, which guarantee you only 85 calories, help with intestinal transit because they are rich in fiber. They reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood and also help in the feeling of satiety.

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