Wonderful sweets and nest milk coconuts; learn how to do

Sweets made from nest milk have become fashionable for some time now, but their presence at parties and celebrations is older and the big secret for the ideal flavor is to choose well the quality of the other ingredients of the revenue! But what are the recipes that can be made using this very tasty powdered milk?

Well, today we separate some options for you to rock desserts, birthday parties and who knows even for you to become an expert and sell some? Read the full article and check it out!

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Read more: Learn how to calculate the right amount of sweets and snacks for your party.

Nest milk brigadeiro recipe

To begin with, let's go to the most common recipe that uses nest milk as an ingredient and which has been quite successful!


  • 4 tablespoons of nest milk;
  • 1 box of condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.

Method of preparation

Start this recipe by putting condensed milk and butter in a pan and leading to low heat. Stir a lot so that the butter melts completely. When this happens, add the spoonfuls of milk to the nest.

Stir well, always on low heat. Also, pay special attention to the edges of the bottom of the pan, so as not to end up burning and leaving your brigadeiro stained. When it starts to boil, wait (always stirring the pan) for the brigadeiro to start to come away from the bottom. Once that happens, it's ready.

A great tip is to also use powdered milk to roll up your brigadeiros, it will be delicious!

nest milk coke

Another wonderful option made from this powdered milk is a coconut… I bet you didn't know about this one. Learn how to do it!


  • 1 kg of refined sugar;
  • 500 g of nest milk;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 1 cup of milk;
  • 500g of grated coconut;
  • Oil for greasing.

Method of preparation

Start by greasing a baking sheet with a little oil and set aside. Then, mix the coconut, the 3 milks used (powder, condensed and liquid), the sugar in a pan and bring them to a boil. Always cook by mixing regularly with a wooden spoon.

As soon as the candy starts to come away from the bottom of the pan, remove it from the heat and add the butter, preferably cold, to make the candy creamier. Mix a lot and very strong with the wooden spoon, so that the candy takes on the flavor well.

When finishing this process, pour over the greased roast and let it cool. When it's already tougher, cut it into squares and indulge in this wonder!

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