ENEM 2022: Edict is released and test dates are revealed

O National High School Examination (ENEM) this year will be applied on the 13th and 20th of November. The information was disclosed through a publication made in the Official Gazette of the Union.

Entries must be made on the Participant's Page, by May 21st, upon payment of a fee of R$85, which must be made by May 27th.

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To learn more about the information regarding the ENEM public notice that was published, check out the full article.

Read more: "Cloe" study platform will help when studying for ENEM

ENEM: check the necessary information

The tests will take place on November 13 and 20, 2022. To secure a spot, registrations must be made through the participant's page by May 21st. For its confirmation, it is necessary to make the payment of 85 reais until May 27th.

According to Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira), the ENEM 2022 questions will be unprecedented. This after Inep himself admitted that his bank of questions was “obsolete”, with questions already used in tests previously. As a result, the questions were reformulated, increasing the level of difficulty of the test.

In addition, the candidate must choose, at the time of registration, whether he wants English or Spanish questions in the foreign language session. It will also be necessary to indicate whether the candidate prefers to take the printed or digital Enem (the new format offered).

Despite the difference in relation to the presentation of the test (online or printed), there is no possibility of taking the exam at home.

New at the time of the test

For the first time, digital identification documents will be accepted at the test venues. Therefore, documents such as e-Title, National Digital Driver's License and Digital RG will be valid. The candidate must present the official application to the inspector, and only this format will be accepted.

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