Caution: You may be committing these 7 infractions without knowing it!

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The Brazilian Traffic Code has 341 articles that regulate traffic rules and conduct. Some of these norms are very well known by the population, while others are little publicized and end up resulting in fines that many drivers do not expect.

Knowing these curious fines can avoid unpleasant surprises and prevent accidents.

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CTB articles less known to people

Below, check out the list of articles that few people know about and that can harm them a lot.

1. Driving with your arm outside the vehicle

Many people have the custom of driving with their arm outside the vehicle, but this is an infraction that can lead to accidents. In addition to putting the physical integrity of the driver at risk, this practice results in a fine of R$ 85.13 and four points on the license.

2. Wetting pedestrians with puddle of water

Wetting pedestrians when crossing a puddle of water is considered an infraction. In addition to being a matter of good education, this conduct can result in a fine of R$ 85.13 and four points on the license.

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3. Adhesive ads on car

Adhesive advertisements on the windshield or on the back of the vehicle can divert the driver's attention and is prohibited by article 111, sole paragraph, of the CTB. This infraction is considered serious and can result in a fine of R$ 195.23 and five points on the license.

4. Overtaking funeral processions

Overcoming vehicles that are part of funeral processions is considered a minor infraction, registered in article 205 of the CTB. The driver who commits this infraction can be fined.

5. perform sudden maneuvers

Carrying out sudden maneuvers in public places is a very serious infraction. The fined driver will have to pay a fine of R$ 191.54, in addition to having the vehicle detained by the authorities.

6. drive too slow

Driving below the permitted speed is a medium offense and can result in a fine of BRL 83.13. The driver may only reduce speed when weather or traffic conditions so require.

7. Use the "toothless"

Using the "toothless" to save fuel is a prohibited practice and can result in a fine of R$ 130.16, in addition to four points on the license. This practice, in addition to not working, increases fuel consumption.

Knowing the little-known CTB fines is important to avoid surprises and prevent traffic accidents. In addition, it is essential to respect traffic laws and regulations to ensure the safety of all road users.
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