Which profession is the face of each sign? Márcia Sensitiva responds

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The zodiac signs can reveal several characteristics regarding a person's personality, likes and desires. But did you know that the sign can also indicate your profession profile? The astrologer Márcia Sensitiva tells in an interview a little about the profession of each sign.

What profession suits your sign?

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In an exclusive interview with the UOL portal, astrologer Márcia Sensitiva explains which profession makes up the profile of each sign, check it out:


An Aries has leadership characteristics and does not like to take orders, in addition to not adapting to routines. Some of the most common professions are surgeons, dentists, military or engineers.


Taureans are extremely hardworking, build their own heritage and put their ideas into practice. They are also good with investments and profit, so their professions are economist, accountant, engineer or designer.

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The twins have an investigative profile, like to analyze the story as a whole and have a strong intellect. Their intelligence leads them to be writers, journalists, advertisers or tour guides.


Cancerians tend to be open and adaptable, but that doesn't stop them from being successful. They know how to deal with the opinion of others and are open-minded to suggestions. Their professions are cook, nurse or photographer.


Known for their ego, Leos tend to occupy leadership positions, have a strong and solid opinion, as well as extreme ambition. They are usually lawyers, bankers, university professors or businessmen.


What marks the Virgo man is his determination, in addition, of course, his honesty. They are usually hardworking and punctual in their work, in addition to being open and easy to deal with. Their professions are veterinarian, nurse or psychologist.


It is characteristic of Libra to dedicate themselves to their studies and seek perfection in everything they do. They put a lot of dedication into their work and focus for success. Their main professions are designer, architect, stylist or lawyer.


This sign can be difficult to deal with at times, mainly due to its controlling characteristic and its strong opinion, which ends up generating strong criticism about other people. It is common to be psychiatrists, politicians, IT technicians or psychoanalysts.


Sagittarians have a sense of adventure and curiosity, they commit to what they love and they do it with excellence. They usually work in foreign trade, as tourist guides or as diplomats.


Capricorn stands out in people management, finance and investments. The professions sought by them are civil engineer, researcher, dentist or farmer.


They have a fast-paced mind, are objective and practical. They can work with several tasks at the same time, so they are often inventors, philosophers, social workers or astronauts.


Pisces people value teamwork and hold management positions. They are also fans of art and spirituality, and also perform social functions. They are usually psychologists, astrologers or psychiatrists.

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