Aid for truck drivers will be paid in August: see the rules!

In view of the rise in fuel prices, the Federal Government approved the Emergency Benefit for Autonomous Cargo Carriers (BEm Truck Driver). According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the aid for truck drivers will start to be paid on August 9th, according to the calendar disclosed.

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Who can receive aid for truck drivers?

BEm Caminhoneiro will benefit around 900,000 self-employed freight transporters, according to government forecasts. Some criteria have been established to define who will be entitled to the benefit. Check it out below:

  • Self-employed freight transporters who were registered by May 31 in the National Registry of Road Cargo Transporters (RNTR-C) and who have an active registration. In addition, it is necessary to have a valid CPF and National Driver's License;
  • Each carrier will receive installments with a fixed amount, even if it has more than one vehicle;
  • It will not be necessary to present proof of purchase of diesel oil to be entitled to the benefit; therefore, at this first moment, it is enough to have an active registration and carry the valid documents.

MEI truck driver will also be able to receive the aid

The category of MEI Truck Driver, which was created in December 2021, served to guarantee tax, social and pensions for truck drivers, since it placed them on the list of professions that can be formalized as micro-entrepreneurs individual (MEIs). Therefore, it is also eligible to receive the benefit.

How will the payments be?

The aid will be paid in six installments, from August to December, but it is worth noting that the first installment will be paid in double, as it will correspond to the months of July and August. Thus, initially, truck drivers covered by the benefit will receive R$ 2,000. The other installments, which will be paid by December, will be R$ 1,000 each.

Until then, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security has not disclosed how the payment of the aid will be made. However, the folder stated that the details regarding the criteria, responsibilities and payments will still be regulated through an Ordinance.


According to the official benefit schedule, the first and second installments will be paid on August 9th, while the third installment will be made available on September 24th. The fourth installment will be released on October 22nd, and the fifth installment on November 26th. Finally, the sixth and final installment will be available on December 17th. However, this schedule is still subject to change.

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