Ministries take a stand against ageism and condemn mockery

Through a video published on social media, ministers Camilo Santana and Silvio Almeida, holders of the portfolio of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, respectively, argued that ageism, and other forms of intolerance, threaten democracy and fuel hate speech.

Learn more about ministries leaders' placements throughout the article.

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Etarism, also known as ageism or age detection, is a form of prejudice or perception that is based on a person's age. It is a behavior that can affect older or younger individuals, and manifests itself through age-related stereotypes and prejudices.

This situation can occur in several situations, such as in the labor market, where older workers can be considered obsolete or less productive.

Ageism can lead to social exclusion, difficulties in obtaining employment and a negative impact on people's self-esteem and well-being.

Position of the Ministries of Education, Human Rights and Citizenship

Ministers took a stand against the intolerance of colleagues by a 44-year-old freshman who was a victim of prejudice, through a video that went viral on social networks last Saturday, 11.

In the video, the current Minister Camilo Santana said that “it is regrettable that we have to demonstrate to defend a basic fundamental right, which is the right to Education, an ironclad clause of the Constitution Brazilian".

Minister Silvio Almeida also sympathized with the university student. “Ageism, as well as sexism, LGBTphobia and racism are threats to our democracy, as they feed hate speeches, especially on social networks, generating different types of violence”, said the minister.

It is important to combat ageism by raising awareness and valuing age diversity. Several actions such as inclusion in the labor market, awareness campaigns and promotion of intergenerational activities can help combat this problem and promote a more inclusive and respectful.

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