Recipes for beginner cooks: know what to learn to cook first

Knowing how to cook is a ability which requires a lot of dedication and practice, as it is a world of techniques, combinations and Ingredients. For this reason, many people face problems for not knowing exactly where to start. That said, it is essential to know that you need to master the basics to go to the complex. Therefore, we separate some recipes for those who want to learn to cook that will help you get the practice, and thus evolve.

Read more: Quitutes for São João: Check out these delicious themed recipes.

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Recipes for beginner cooks

Mashed potatoes

Let's start with the dishes that are present in our daily lives, but we don't always think about their preparation. This is the case of mashed potatoes, a simple recipe that takes the following ingredients:

  • 3 boiled and peeled potatoes;
  • 1 spoon (tea) of butter;
  • 1 cup (tea) of milk;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Initially it will be necessary to cook the potatoes already peeled, and then, while they are still warm, mash them with the help of a masher or wooden spoon. Soon after, you should add the butter and milk little by little, always mixing. Finally, take the puree to the fire and stir until it is very creamy.

Traditional omelette with cheese

This recipe will take the following ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 spoon (tea) of butter;
  • Cheese slices;
  • Salt to taste.

To start, add the two eggs in a bowl and beat them with the help of a fork until they become a homogeneous liquid. Now, heat a frying pan and add the butter until it melts, then add the beaten eggs. When the edges start to pull away from the pan, add the cheese to the filling and pull one side of the omelette closed.

mushrooms in butter

This delicious recipe only takes two ingredients:

  • 1 cup (tea) of mushrooms of your choice;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.

Clean the mushrooms with a paper towel and cut them into small pieces, according to your taste. So, melt the butter in a frying pan and add these pieces. Finally, stir a lot until the mushrooms are browned.

traditional spoon brigadeiro

Finally, let's have an easy, versatile and very Brazilian dessert. Write down the ingredients:

  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of margarine;
  • 4 spoons (soup) of chocolate powder.

Over high heat, melt the margarine in a pan and then add the powdered chocolate. Then, lower the heat and add the condensed milk, stirring constantly until the mixture starts to come away from the bottom of the pan. Now, just wait to cool down and serve.

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