UNBELIEVABLE: Man is bitten more than 50 times by snake and does not die

Can you imagine being stung more than 50 times by a snake and live to tell the tale? That's what happened to Jesse Rothacker, an influencer who records videos for the channel “Forgotten Friend Reptile”.

And, to complete the bizarreness, Jesse says that he had fun with the situation and was not bothered at all by the attacks of the “little friend”.

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The snake bit the influencer in several different places – and all of this was recorded on video and published on the YouTube channel. There were attacks on the hands, on the belly and, mainly, on the face, in the region of the nose and eyebrows.

How did this happen?

Jesse was walking along a trail when he came across an eastern milk snake. The intention of the video was to show the difference between this species and the copperhead.

“Some people see the coppery pattern and automatically believe it to be a copperhead,” said the man in the video he posted online.

It turns out that the eastern milk snake is not venomous, unlike its “cousin”. Therefore, the influencer did not care about the bites and did not stop handling and filming the snake.

Throughout the video, it is possible to see that Jesse is having fun with the situation. Sometimes, the snake even gets tired and tries to leave, but the man picks it up again to show details of the pattern of its scales.

“What I noticed about Oriental milkmaids, more than some other snakes, is that they will give you a little defensive bite and just let go. They seem to be testing the person,” he said.

Watch the video below:

How to identify the snake

According to Jesse, the difference between the eastern milk snake and its cousin, the copperhead snake, is the black outlines around the snake's pattern.

So if you see one of these and it has black outlines, it will bite you, it will hurt, but it won't be a sting mortal. Just wash with soap and water and get on with life.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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