Does opening MEI result in the loss of any benefit?

The number of people who resort to MEI to stay within the job market with due security is increasing. This is because Individual Microentrepreneurs are, in a way, autonomous workers with the regularization of their trade. However, it is necessary to highlight that there are benefits and disadvantages of opening MEI, since the modality actually excludes some possibilities for the worker. Check out!

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Why open MEI?

This is a very common question for anyone who owns a business. Basically, the MEI allows you to professionalize your work by issuing invoices, which can attract more customers and help you get out of informality. In addition, there are a number of guarantees for the entrepreneur himself, such as the possibility of retirement with the contribution to the INSS, and also the right to sick pay and maternity pay.

Still, one may remain in doubt as to the chance of receiving some government benefit, but that is also possible. We have even separated a list of some of the benefits that Individual Microentrepreneurs can receive. Check out:

  • Seclusion Aid;
  • Brazil Aid;
  • Continuing Provision Benefit;
  • Pension for Death.

In all these cases, there is only the need to obey the current rules of the benefit, as with the Auxílio Brasil, which requires registration with CadÚnico and a specific income. However, there is no rule that prevents Individual Microentrepreneurs from receiving the program.

Do I lose any benefit in being MEI?

It is not a question of losing any benefit for being MEI, as the truth is that, after regularization, the citizen is no longer the target of any assistance. For example, we have the Unemployment Insurance, a program that no longer makes sense for entrepreneurs, since they work for themselves.

However, there are other cases that must be observed, since programs such as ProUni and FIES require a specific income per family. In these cases, what can happen is that there would be proof of income being higher than previously stipulated, and this could bar enrollment. However, if the income is within the parameters, then it will be equal to the case of Auxílio Brasil, and the citizen will be able to participate.

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