Amount of food in a child's lunch draws internet attention

When we share information on the internet, it is common not to be aware of the proportion that this content can reach. This is the case of a mother who is the target of insults on social networks after sharing a photo of her school lunch of children. The reason? The amount of food in the lunch box children.

Facebook post about the size of school lunches has moved the internet in recent days

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Rachel, mother of two children aged three and one year old, shared in recent days a photo of the lunch she prepared for her children to take to school. In the image, you can see crackers, slices of white cheese and seaweed.

However, the commonplace post received a barrage of negative comments on social media. Among them, there was a lot of astonishment at the amount of food placed in the children's bowls, who defended a lunch with more food available for the little ones.

School lunch.

In the post shared on social media, Rachel wrote: “Today is lunch for a one and three year old. Cheddar cheese, crackers and seaweed.”

If, on the one hand, users commented positively, praising the choice made by the children's mother in relation to the lunch, arguing that: “this is exactly what my three-year-old son would eat”, there were those who criticized the choice of Rachel.

For some people, the mother did not put enough food in the children's lunch box: “This is a mistake. Is this enough for them?" wrote one, while another claimed: "My kids would devour this and then order something else."

Although the amount was criticized by users, the nutritional choice was praised: “Is this lunch? Or a snack? That wouldn't fill any of my kids at that age. But at least it's healthy."

It is not the first time that a mother has been criticized on the internet.

In 2020, a woman in Australia also received criticism after sharing photos of her children's lunch. On the occasion, sandwiches, chips, fruit, pretzels and sponge cake were among the options for children.

School lunch.

And if Rachel was criticized for the amount made available to the little ones, this mother, who remained anonymous, was the target of negative comments about the amount of food in the children's lunchboxes, in addition to the unhealthy options, such as potatoes fries.

In a note, the mother stated that the children were not overweight and consumed everything in the bowl. According to her, because she went hungry when she was young, she wouldn't want her children to live the same.

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