Planting watermelon in an easy and practical way: Check out great tips!

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It would be wonderful to have a sweet and delicious fruit at your fingertips without having to leave the house, wouldn't it? So, check out tips on how to plant watermelon in your own home garden!

Watermelon is a fruit that brings many health benefits, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals that help improve immunity and prevent cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it has the hydration factor. This is due to its composition, which has 90% water.

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To help you when planting your watermelon, we have gathered here all the care you need to have this food in the comfort of your home. Keep reading and check it out!

planting the watermelon

The first thing you need to know when deciding to plant a watermelon is that it is a plant adept at hot climates, therefore, the ideal is that its cultivation is at a temperature between 18 to 26°C. Also, the pH of the soil should be between 5.5 and 7 acidity.

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Another important factor is that the soil must be well drained, as excess water can cause cracks in its bark. So plant it in a place that has little incidence of rain.

A curiosity is that the plant can reach up to three meters in height and its roots can reach one meter below the ground. Therefore, it is important to choose the space in which they will be planted well so that each foot grows in a healthy way.


Watermelon prefers draining soil. Therefore, it is important to water properly. Before planting, moisten the soil. Until sprouting, water the fruit daily. Then decrease the frequency and stop after the fruit is ready to pick.

Seeds or seedlings?

If you prefer to plant using seeds, know that you should use only four seeds per open hole, always leaving a space between them. Leave them three inches deep in the soil so their roots can grow properly.

In the case of seedlings, planting should be done after the appearance of the first leaf.


To keep the soil in the sweet spot, it's a good idea to create a drainage barrier. You can assemble it with materials such as sand, gravel and earth. Also, if you are going to plant in a vase, you can make holes in the bottom of it so that the water does not accumulate.

where to plant

The ideal is a backyard with space, where you can set up a home garden. They can be planted directly in the soil or with the help of supporters, as they are climbing plants. If you choose to use a vase, choose models with a wider mouth and a depth of at least thirty centimetres.


The spacing between the seeds or seedlings must be done and taken very seriously, as this care assists in soil ventilation, preventing diseases and pest attacks, in addition to also facilitating the pollination.

pruning and harvesting

The watermelon plant does not need pruning. It's nice that you let her grow free and just eliminate pieces that seem to be less healthy than the rest of her. As for harvesting, it can be done between 80 and 110 days after the start of cultivation.


This process is the transfer, via pollen, of male reproductive particles to the female recipient of a flower.

In the case of watermelon, the fruits are produced only from pollination. It can be performed by bees, through the natural process or the method using brushes with soft bristles can be used. This second way is more suitable for small gardens.

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