Tackle or rate?

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I called that man an explorer!
You can nottack someone from an explorer because he doesn't even know how to tax a product!
See the difference in meaning between “tachar” and “tax”?
When you label someone with something, you are accusing them of something, and when you set a price for a product, you are setting a rate, a value for it!
Use “tax” when you want to get the meaning of tariff, tax, set or fix price, tax.
Use “tacha” when you want to get the meaning of censoring, defecting, accusing, tackling.
So, see some examples:
a) The government wants tax the goods we export. (rate, tax)
b) Ana was strikethrough sly during the program. (censored)
c) The rate that there is in sending mail is to defray the costs of transport. (tax)
d) Not me tache of a liar, because I speak the truth and sometimes the person does not like to hear! (accusing)
When in doubt, remember that “rate” with “x” reminds us of mathematical values ​​(x, y)!
Remember that the famous "pin" for holding papers is with "ch"!

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By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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Required or required? - Has she claimed or claimed her rights? See which one is correct!

verbal doubts - Grammar - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/tachar-ou-taxar.htm


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