Logical thinking test: what's wrong with this vegetable board?

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Do you consider yourself a person who can create logical connections in a short time? Certainly, this is a very important and somewhat rare quality, but one that can be exercised. For this, it is necessary to train the brain and, precisely for that reason, we brought this test of logical reasoning in which you need to find out what's wrong with the vegetables, check it out.

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Logical reasoning test.

First of all, you need to observe the image above carefully in order to identify the possible patterns that exist. Note that there are some vegetables on a cutting board and a knife in the corner. In the image we can see carrots, peppers, potatoes, leek, lettuce and also tomatoes.

Now your job is to be able to identify the factor that stands out as illogical in the image. So far, few people have actually managed to find the factor that is out of place in the picture. This is due to the fact that we rarely put ourselves in a position to challenge our own reasoning, even more so in times of the internet.

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However, several studies point out that the most effective way to make our brain work faster is to stimulate it through challenges like this. By doing this, your mind will be able to fully create new neural connections, allowing you to be more astute in life's challenges.

What is the answer?

Logical reasoning test.

The answer is a little more obvious than we can imagine, however, our lack of experience hinders us in analyzing the picture as a whole. In this case, note that the challenge asks you what's wrong with this image of the vegetable board, however, are all the items in this illustration actually vegetables?

By thinking this way, you would quickly be able to move one of the items out of this category, which is precisely the tomato. For those who don't know, tomatoes are fruits, just like apples and grapes, but we don't have the habit of eating them like we eat the rest. Yet this is the illogical factor of this illustration that few have managed to notice.


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