Why is meditation so important to you right now?

After all the time we were in quarantine, many people had their mental health shaken and, therefore, a great self-care technique found by many to take care of it was meditation. This technique still ends up bringing several other benefits to people's lives, among them, the reduction of anxiety. Understand why the demand for meditation technique tripled after the pandemic.

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What is meditation?

Meditation is an ancient practice that has roots in Eastern society. It is a technique that, through concentration and attention in the present moment, leads our mind to a state of calm and relaxation, seeking mental and emotional clarity.

It's a very important practice to do nowadays, as anxiety and fear are present at all times, and you need to be even more careful with mental health. Taking time to practice it, concentrating and paying attention to the present, relaxing your mind and breathing are attitudes that are part of this technique.

Also, meditation can be practiced anywhere, thus making it easier for people who want to start doing it.

How does meditation work?

To be able to meditate correctly, you need to:

  • Book a time: it is ideal that you reserve 15 to 20 minutes of your time to disconnect, rest a little and practice meditation. She will provide you with a journey into yourself where you will achieve tranquility and focus.
  • Find a quiet spot: it is very important that you find a quiet place to practice meditation, allowing you to concentrate a lot. This place can be a garden, your living room, a sofa, your bedroom, your porch, etc.
  • Finding a comfortable posture: there is no obligatory position to practice meditation. Most people adopt the lotus position, but it can be any position you feel comfortable with. comfortable and have a straight spine, neck in line, shoulders relaxed and have support for the hands.
  • Control your breathing: Breathing is a very important part of meditation. You need to make a deep inspiration, pulling the air using your belly and chest, and a slow and pleasant exhale.
  • Focus on something: in meditation you need to find a focus to maintain your attention and concentration. What you will use to maintain your focus is called a mantra, which will exert a specific power over your mind and will help a lot to maintain your concentration for the meditation.

Benefits and importance of meditation

There are several benefits that the practice of meditation can bring to the lives of many people. Among them are: stress reduction, anxiety control, performing tasks in stressful environments, enhancing self-knowledge and self-esteem, improving function immunity, reduced addictions, reduced chances of depression-related symptoms, helps you sleep better, improves cognition, helps with psychological well-being, among many others benefits.

Therefore, it is a practice of great importance for those who adopt it, because by reducing stress, it is possible to deal with emotions in a better way. With this, the person becomes more self-aware, begins to look more at himself and manages to have peace in the most difficult situations to remain calm.

Now that you've read more about this practice and certainly learned more about it, you must have realized that it's not that difficult to start meditating. Once you start, you'll see that a few minutes a day will be enough to bring benefits to your life and routine.

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