August will be colder than July, forecasters warn

O winter it's not over yet, and if you think we've had too many cold days in 2022, know that August will be more cold than July, especially in the most central region of the country. According to meteorologists, there is a cold air mass approaching Brazil, while some Brazilian states are suffering from low air humidity.

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Coldest days in August

The advance of another cold front is expected this August, and it should affect mainly the Center-South of the country. States like Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso could be the most affected. Thus, the coming rain may interfere a little with field activities, but it should alleviate the dryness of recent times.

According to Willians Bini, director of agribusiness at Climatempo, at the end of July the cold weather had already begun to move towards the central region of Brazil. Bini also presented a city in the South as an example to talk about lower temperatures: in Santa Maria (RS), the minimum expected for August 9 is -1°C.

In Londrina (PR), the effect will be similar, but without negative temperatures. Despite the cold being more intense than in July, in the city of Paraná, the minimum expected for the period is expected to be 5° C, on August 11th.

Southeast region

There will be another cold front during the second week of August, and this should affect mainly the Southeast region. Thus, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro should register a drop in temperatures, and the coast of these states may have rain with low to moderate intensity, with heavy rain in some points.

September will have less chance of intense cold

While August should stand out for being cold, something that has been happening for many years, September, which marks the beginning of spring, will have little chance of being intensely cold. However, some air masses with polar origin may favor the formation of frost in isolated areas in the southern region of the country.

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