Attention! See the fruits that are forbidden for dogs

We often make the mistake of thinking that if fruits and vegetables are great for us humans, they must be great for a dog too.

But not quite. Dogs have a totally different system than us humans, and that's why they need to have a different diet.

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Generally, the rations available on the market are already taking into account the nutrients and vitamins that your dog needs to grow healthy.

(Read “Know the plants that are toxic to your pet” clicking here).

But if you've seen your dog eat some fruit without your intention, or he's already shown that he liked some, it's important to check if it's allowed.

Fruit is not a dog's basic food

Before getting to the fruits that are definitely prohibited, it is important to warn that fruits should not be a dog's food base.

Experts warn that once in a while, on a special occasion, dogs can eat some fruit, but it can be constant.

That is, no excess fruit is beneficial for a puppy. Opt for animal-specific feed or snacks.

Some fruits and vegetables, for example, can be highly toxic and dangerous, and can lead to serious complications and even death.

So, to stay tuned and keep your puppy healthy, check out the fruits and vegetables you need to avoid for good!

Forbidden fruits for dogs

  • Avocados: Avocados contain persin, a substance that humans can digest but dogs cannot. Persin can cause vomiting, diarrhea and heart problems.
  • Orange and Lemon: Acidic fruits in general will cause gastritis and intestinal problems in a dog. So keep your dog far away from these fruits.
  • Pineapple: Another fruit whose problem is acidity. However, as the acidity is lower in this fruit, consumption can be moderate, always rare.
  • Star fruit: This fruit can cause serious kidney problems for your pet, even more so if he already has similar problems. Completely avoid.
  • Grapes and Raisins: A mortal danger for dogs. Although it is still not known exactly which substance in the fruit makes them sick, it is known that complications can lead to death. Avoid!

Well, after all these indications, you must have noticed that the best option is to restrict fruit consumption for us humans.

There are a multitude of brands with varying prices and flavors on the market, so take care of your pet and leave the forbidden fruits for dogs away.

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