How to make reflective records in pedagogical practice?

Teachers use reflective registers in their pedagogical practice as a way to not only monitor the progress of its students, but also to evaluate and analyze their work. The objective of this process is to improve the continuing education of education professionals and raise relevant issues in pedagogical training meetings.

In addition, this type of record also serves as a parameter for teachers to analyze the situations experienced and seek solutions that improve the quality of the work of education. Many researchers highlight the importance of reflective records, especially through images, texts and audio and video, rescuing what was seen in the classroom.

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What are reflective records and how to apply them in pedagogical practice?

Reflective records are tools of pedagogical practices that make it possible to carry out reflection exercises of certain planned actions, encouraging listening and attention in activities carried out by children and adults in the environment school.

In general, these notes are reviewed at the end of the two months or semesters, as a way for professors to analyze and evaluate what was done throughout the year. But for this to work, you need to create a routine by documenting these practices on a daily basis.

We have listed some practices that can be adopted on a daily basis, facilitating access to information and, consequently, replanning activities, if necessary.

Never miss a record

It will not always be possible to record all the details of a class or project in detail. However, whenever possible, take the time to look at notes before performing tasks and evaluate what you can improve. This planning of activities is important when carrying out tasks, as they will be more aligned and will flow more quickly, even facilitating the next actions and activities.

Reflective Registration Model


Diagnosis at the beginning of the school term

If the teacher has doubts about where to start, a tip is to carry out a diagnosis at the beginning of the school term. Thus, the teacher will have a socio-emotional notion of the students and how he can act based on this feedback. By getting to know the students better, the teacher will be able to assess which actions to adopt in their pedagogical practice and what to document in their reflective record.

I use photographs, audios and videos

Use and abuse audiovisual resources, such as photographs, videos and audios. With remote classes, these tools have become increasingly essential, as well as being great learning resources. To store this content, it is recommended to use programs such as Google Drive or other clouds.

Talk with the class and other fellow teachers

In addition to recording educational activities, another important tip is to talk to students as well as teachers. This exchange of experience and information allows the professor to have a new look at the actions he developed throughout the year. In addition, another advantage is that he can get instant feedback, already observing what needs to be reviewed.

These points should be noted down as a way of keeping the reflective record later. Talking to other teachers also allows them to exchange ideas and thus, they can even implement new practices in their pedagogical routine.

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