Artificial intelligence is already a reality in education

The use of artificial intelligence has a great possibility of integrating educational tools in the future. At the Bett Brasil 2022 event, the international education fair, a technology linked to the field of robotics was presented.

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Through the use of numerous features such as speech and vision recognition, this new concept empowers students to perform with greater tasks efficiently, according to the director of Bett Brasil, Cláudia Valério, on the relevance of the advancement of technology in the educational area.

“In the current context of the pandemic, it is worth noting that no sector will function as before, especially the area of ​​education. The transformation and immersion into digital, with the use of new technologies, has been quite opportune. We had to relearn how to learn. We saw teachers move away from traditional teaching and started to teach in a new format, the virtual one”, explains Valério.

Artificial intelligence in Brazil is a new reality and, through practical solutions in all sectors, including education, it should benefit the entire population, especially students and teachers.

“With the Covid-19 pandemic, schools were adapting teaching and learning methods, with the increasingly frequent use of of platforms and digital resources”, highlighted Ademar Celedônio, director of teaching and educational innovations at the educational platform SAS.

According to the study carried out and published by McKinsey, the use of technologies that already exist can help teachers increase their time dedicated to interacting and supporting students by 20% to 40% students. The CEO and founder of the International School Assistant (ISA), Ulisses Cardinot, points out that the artificial intelligence tool is not a trend, but a reality. “We are dealing with a generation that was born connected, in the internet age”, he points out.

Due to changing times, a virtual assistant, R7, was introduced by ISA. The CEO explains that the intention of the prototype is to make teachers' work more efficient so that students increase their learning in face-to-face and remote classes.

“Having a virtual assistant capable of supporting the educator inside and outside the classroom and even answering questions of students at any time represents an immense advance for Brazilian education”, comment.

The ISA prototype will be developed during the year and will undergo a learning process called 'learning machine' that will enable the virtual assistant to provide the best assistance on the market.

“Today she is learning, but soon she will be teaching the students, helping with activities, languages ​​and much more. A technology actually applied to our education. We are talking about training for the future”, explains Jefferson Feitosa, the company's head of marketing.

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