How about a Eurotrip trying to guess the countries that are on the gallows today?

Through this simple game, you can test your knowledge and have a lot of fun. Challenge your friends and don't waste time, start playing the European countries hangman game right now! Have fun and guess the words for today's theme before the doll is hanged. Check out the tips below and knock it out.

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Hangman: today's theme is “European countries”

Starting today's gallows, we're going to talk about the countries europeans, and who doesn't want to do a Eurotrip one day, right? Discover all the beauties and cooking from every wonderful corner of Europe seems like a dream… In this way, through today's strength, you will be able to perceive some unique characteristics of two selected countries and so, who knows, maybe one day you will meet them? Here are some tips to help you out:

gallows 1

  • The flag of that country has the colors: red, green and white;
  • What most impresses tourists who visit this country is its unique cuisine;
  • He is famous for his pizzas and pastas.
Hangman game of countries

Count the letters, get more of these tips that we'll leave for you and find out which country we're talking about. Oh, don't forget, each wrong guess corresponds to a part of the doll drawn on the seal.

  • It is in this country that the story of Romeo and Juliet takes place;
  • Its capital is Rome;
  • And it's a wonderful destination for anyone looking to find a love story.
Hangman game of countries

That was easy, right? I imagine you already know which country we are talking about.

Check out the answer below and right after that, don't forget that there's still a second gallows waiting for you right after:

Strength 2:

Check out the tips from our 2nd gallows and knock it out by guessing the European country at the time:

  • This country is located in Central Europe and therefore has no coastline;
  • The colors of this country's flag are the same as those of Italy;
  • The language there is “Hungarian”.
Hangman game of countries

Still don't know which country we're talking about? So check out these other tips and keep thinking:

  • Its capital is Budapest;
  • There is a Brazilian band named after that country;
  • This is where Buda Castle is located.
Hangman game of countries

The time has come for the revelation, do you already suspect which country we are talking about? Check out the answer now and see if you won today's challenge:

What country is this?

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