Hangman game over Caribbean countries; Can you solve this challenge?

For travel lovers, having a good itinerary to enjoy during your vacation is a great option. The Caribbean, also known as the Caribbean and Caribbean America, is a region of the American continent formed through the Caribbean Sea, its islands and island states is becoming a much sought after destination for many tourists. In that hangman game we will talk more about two of the countries of that continent. That way, come find out a little more about each of them in this challenge!

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Learn a little more about these Caribbean countries!

Check out some tips that will help you discover the countries below:

country number 1

Tip number 1 to warm up your engines: According to history, its independence was won in 1810, and the country is now a presidential republic.

Hangman game.

Tip number 2 to facilitate your reasoning: It is composed of a great biodiversity. It houses part of the Amazon rainforest and biomes such as the paramo.

Hangman game.

That last tip, so pay attention to it: It's the second most populous country on the subcontinent. More than 80% of its residents live in cities, with emphasis on Bogotá.

And then, did you find out which country we are talking about? The next image has the answer to the challenge.

Hangman game.

country number 2

Let's go to the next one! Pay attention to this first tip: It is a former British colony and gained independence in 1962 and is currently part of the British Commonwealth.

Hangman game.

Tip number 2 to make it a little easier: Agriculture is one of the main economic activities in the country. Cocoa, corn and coffee, for example, are very common.

Hangman game.

Last tip! This is your chance: The industrial sector is represented by the food, fabric, cement and agricultural machinery industry.

Check now the answer to this challenge we made to test you!

Hangman game.

I hope you enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. Share the challenge with your friends and family and let them have fun too!

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