UNIFESP opens registration for 45 vacancies in a free specialization course

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A UNIFESP (Federal University of São Paulo) opened new vacancies for a free specialization course in Socio-environmental Education and Sustainability. Those interested will be able to register and participate in the selection to be specialized professionals.

The specialization course will be offered in partnership with UMAPAZ and also with the Municipal Secretariat for Green and the Environment of the State of São Paulo.

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How to enroll in the course?

If you are interested in taking the specialization course offered by UNIFESP, you must first anyway, read the entire public notice to verify that it meets all the rules and conditions described.

One of the requirements is to have completed graduation in a course recognized by the Ministry of Education, belong to the target audience of the course and have a computer with internet access at home.

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Registration will be open until this Saturday, July 15, 2023. To sign up, click here and fill in a specific form.

When applying, it is necessary to attach your resume in PDF, with a maximum of two pages, following the ABNT rules.

In all, 45 will be made available. vacancies for UNIFESP's specialization course, 30 of which are aimed at professors who work in São Paulo, whether in municipal, state or federal institutions.

Five vacancies are for socio-environmental educators, five for environmental educators who work with UNIFESP and another five for employees of the São Paulo City Hall.

To participate in the selection and compete for one of the vacancies, it is necessary to go through some steps. The first is curriculum analysis, the second is motivation assessment, and the third is industry experience analysis.

Why do a specialization?

Many people end up wondering how important it is to specialize in their area and we'll talk more about that.

In an increasingly competitive market, keeping up to date is essential for you to have access to good job opportunities, whether for self-employment or within companies.

The specialization is a training aimed at professionals who wish to stand out in the job market in the area in which they work and brings several benefits, such as:

  • If you have been working in the area for a long time or are just starting out in the market, know that specialization can help you to always be up to date on matters involving the market.
  • Investing in a specialization makes you have a competitive advantage in the market, and this is essential for you to be ahead of your competitors.

Does this opportunity make sense to you? Then register!


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