This week the Senate regulates the Caregiver profession

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Senators must vote in plenary this week on the bill that regulates the caregiver profession. PLC 11/2016 is one of the highlights of the Federal Senate's voting agenda and will go on to be sanctioned by the Presidency of the Republic if approved without changes.

The project, by federal deputy Felipe Bornier (Pros-RJ), decrees that the profession of caregiver will be recognized throughout the national territory, with the following types: caregiver for an elderly person, caregiver for a child, caregiver for a disabled person and caregiver for a person with a rare disease.

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According to the project, these professionals must have completed elementary school and qualification course in the field, in addition to a minimum age of 18 years, good criminal record and certificates of physical and mental aptitude. The role of the caregiver may take place in homes, communities or institutions.

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The caregiver activity may be temporary or permanent, individual or collective, aiming at the autonomy and independence of the assisted person, ensuring the well-being, health, food, personal hygiene, education, culture, recreation and leisure of the person assisted.

The text of the regulation prohibits these professionals from administering medication that is not orally or guided by a medical prescription, as well as technically complex procedures.
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