These are ways to save energy and money when doing laundry.

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To save money energy when doing laundry is important because it has a direct impact on preserving the environment. Energy production consumes natural resources such as oil, gas and coal and emits greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global warming and climate change.

Therefore, saving energy when doing laundry is an effective way to contribute to the preservation of the environment and still save money.

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Ways to save on laundry

See efficient ways to save energy and money when doing laundry. With these tips, your consumption with a washing machine will decrease:

Choose the right temperature

Most washing machines consume most of their energy in heating the water. Washing clothes at lower temperatures, such as 30°C, can significantly save energy.

However, for heavily soiled garments, a high temperature wash may be required. In other cases, consider using specific washing programs to remove dirt without the need for hot water.

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Completely fill the washer

The fuller the washer, the less energy consumed per load. Also, by washing large amounts of clothes at once, you can avoid wasting water and energy that occurs with frequent washing of small amounts of clothes.

Avoid using the dryer

The dryer consumes a lot of energy and can damage clothes with excessive heat. Instead, hang clothes to dry naturally. If you must use the dryer, consider drying clothes for just a few minutes before hanging them, which can reduce drying time in the dryer.

Keep your washer clean

Keep the washer free of dirt and lint build-up, as this can affect efficiency. energetic of the machine. Also, check the hoses for leaks or blockages and that the doors close properly.

Choose shorter washing programs

Some washing programs, such as prewash, consume more energy and water than others. Choose shorter programs like quick wash to save energy.

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