Hunger in Brazil. The issue of hunger in Brazil

Hunger comes from the lack of food that affects a high number of people in Brazil and in the world. Despite great economic, social and technological advances, the lack of food for thousands of people in Brazil continues. This process is a result of income inequality, the lack of money makes about 32 million people pass hunger, over 65 million people who do not ingest the minimum daily amount of calories, that is, they eat properly precarious.
Extremely high number, considering the country's territorial extension, which has great agricultural potential. But this is irrelevant, since there is a concentration of land and income. Much of the country's money is in the hands of only 10% of the Brazilian population.
The difficult thing is to understand a country where records of agricultural production change increasingly over the years, while hunger is part of the coexistence of an alarming number of people. Monoculture is intended for export, as a large portion of production is destined for animal nutrition in developed countries.

Even with federal and state social programs, the hunger problem is not solved, the worst thing is that it happens present in small, medium and large cities and also in the countryside, regardless of the region or state Brazilian.
The solution to the question seems distant, it involves a series of structural factors that are impregnated in Brazilian society. Providing food baskets does not solve the problem, it only postpones it, it is necessary to offer conditions to that the citizen has the possibility of self-sustainability through work and decent remuneration.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Human Geography of Brazil - geography of Brazil - Brazil School

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