These are the 4 home appliances that are champions in energy consumption

For some years now, paying the electricity bill has been a challenge for most Brazilians. Whether due to power generation problems or the addition of taxes, this bill of consumption always comes with a high price.

For this reason, any measure that generates a reduction in the account is very welcome and that is what we want to talk about in this article.

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In the next four topics, we list some of the best home appliances in terms of energy consumption. To give you an idea, even turned off these devices consume, as long as they are connected to the socket, of course.

Follow the rest of the article and understand why it is necessary to remove microwaves, stereos, televisions and computers from the socket when you are not using them!

Sound system

Many people don't know, but stereos retain a certain amount of electrical energy inside, through items such as magnets and coils that make up their structure.

For this reason, it is essential to disconnect them from the socket when they are not in use, in order to interrupt the electric current and reduce the cost of energy.


Like stereos, computers also consume even when they are turned off. This fact is valid for both desktop and notebook computers.

That way, when the PC is no longer being used, turn it off completely. In the case of notebooks, no leaving the chargers connected to the socket. In addition to consuming energy, this habit may cause an accident.


Another appliance that “likes to eat” electricity even if it is turned off is the microwave, the darling of those who don't have much time to prepare food in the rush of everyday life.

These devices have a kind of resistance that retains energy inside to keep it in the so-called stand-by mode, or standby mode, as it is also known. And of course, this "joke" can cost your pocket.

Therefore, only plug the microwave into the socket when using it!


To close our list with a “power key”, we want to talk about televisions, which, jokes aside, may be responsible for the increase in the electricity bills of many people.

Have you ever noticed that when you turn off your TV a little red light comes on at the bottom of the screen? Well, that's the led that indicates the stand-by activation of the device.

In turn, the stand-by, which we mentioned earlier, is a state in which, despite being turned off, the electrical device remains active “waiting” to be turned on again. To maintain this activation, the television “pulls” energy.

As we recommend with the other devices mentioned on this list, unplug your TV when you are not watching anything. Your pocket thanks you!

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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