Puzzle: Help the princess solve the mystery in 20 seconds

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A test puzzle IQ it can be fun because it challenges your logical thinking, creativity and problem solving skills. It's a way to stimulate your brain and put your IQ to the test. Also, the sense of accomplishment when solving the challenge is rewarding and can boost self-confidence.

Help the princess find the door with the number 4

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See the image below and help the princess escape the dungeon by finding the door with the number 4:

IQ test puzzles

Find the number 4 on the exit door:

It is possible to observe in the image three doors with different figures engraved on the top, only one of these doors is the way out of the dungeon for the princess. To help her, you need to find the door with the number 4.

pay attention to details

You have to be very careful when looking at the figures, despite being a simple challenge at first, it manages to be complicated at the same time. The figures are fashioned to be optical illusions, but when you look closely, it's easy to solve the mystery.

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Now is your chance to help the princess. Can you, in just 20 seconds, answer correctly?

jigsaw puzzle answer

If you have chosen a door, check out the simple solution for this puzzle. It is possible to look quickly and notice that the symbols on the door are formed by numbers, see again in detail:

  • The symbol on the first door consists of the number 4;
  • The symbol on the second door consists of the number 1;
  • The symbol on the third door consists of the number 2.

See the answer in the image below:

IQ test puzzles

If you managed to find the answer quickly, congratulations, you can now move on to more advanced puzzles. Your perception is already ready for new challenges.

If you couldn't find the answer, don't worry, perception skills develop over time, practice more puzzles to be able to solve the next ones more easily.

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